Monday, May 01, 2006


... I am more insecure than I thought.

Maybe I am sort of sadistic, but sometimes being rejected from something gives me a little bit of hope about the world. It would have been so easy for them to have called me back just so I would've felt better, but they didn't. And I appreciate that more than they probably know. I love really knowing that I can keep the two spheres separate: the me that house-manages and supports because I love what they do and the me that auditions on a whim because it might be cool join their group. I just feel that people still do have standards and that just because I do administrative things to help doesn't mean they give me a pity call back. I'm actually not bitter/sad at all, which I suppose is what surprises me most.

I think I keep my work life pretty separate from my personal life, and I feel most people are mature enough to allow me to do this. For that I am grateful.

I'm not sure what I'd do without BareStage, theater, Women's Chorale, Noteworthy, Men's Chorale and all the people involved in it. Even if some things about each bug me, at the end of the day, it's my biggest (and sometimes only) reason for leaving my house every morning.

The "good" list:
  • three hour conversations sitting outside, getting rained on, taking book recommendations, just talking
  • rehearsing songs we don't know and deciphering a conductor's scribblings
  • other people making executive decisions that trump everything else I've been told
  • silly conversations online
  • law and order
  • knowing, just knowing, that somebody doesn't hate you
  • cooking at 1am
  • loving others unconditionally
  • playing piano with a certain amazing director
  • folding origami
  • sober corner
  • living arrangements for next year!!
Here's to too little sleep!

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