Sunday, January 14, 2007

Los Angeles, Janaury 2007, Graduation

January 6-8
Possibly the shortest trip to Los Angeles ever.

January 6
  • 10am: left Saratoga for OAK
  • 11am: arrived at OAK to pick up car, a green Ford Taurus (reminiscent of IF's old car)
  • 11:15am: arrived at San Leandro BART station to pick SB up
  • 11:30am: departed San Leandro BART station for Los Angeles
  • sometime in between: stopped for restroom, stopped for food, stopped for gas
  • 5:30pm: arrived at UCLA
  • sometime later: ate dinner at Hurry Curry on Sawtelle with the sister, JW, RT, EK, TH and SB
  • sometime after that: shopped at the Santa Monica Promenade, forgot to go the beach, oops
  • stayed at EK's apt

January 7
  • walked around Westwood
  • ate breakfast/lunch at Westwood's Novel Cafe (the only reason was because Novel was in the name. no joke.) - it was super expensive, and very LA, meaning we ate outside, people-watched, and enjoyed the beautiful sun
  • walked around more in Westwood
  • karaoke-ed at Yuu Yuu on Sawtelle with RT, EK, JY, CW and SB
  • picked up the sister and ate dinner at the LA Farmer's Market - more food court than market, I had blackened chicken salad with honey mustard sauce, my sister ate about half of it.
  • met my sister's friends at Rieber
  • got lost going to House of Pies, but found it finally
  • stayed at CW's apartment
January 8
  • ate lunch with JP and her bf
  • went home via Monterey
  • missed Junction 46, so we took 198, which is windy and hilly, but we got out before it got dark, thank goodness
  • missed the exit a couple of times, but eventually got on the right road
  • got to Monterey by 7pm
  • ate dinner at the Old Fisherman's Grotto - at night, it gets super decked out and pretty: candles, flowers, the whole bit. I felt underdressed with my flip flops. and they gave me a flower when we left. it was cute.
  • got back to Berkeley by 10pm. not bad, considering we took a longer route and drove past the right exit a couple of times.
While it was short, the trip had its moments. Thanks to everybody who hung out with us and housed us. My sister drove the whole way down! And I had to drive the whole way up. It was nice to spend time with people in a fairly low-key environment, whether it be over food or in the car. Monterey was gorgeous, and getting back to Berkeley was delightful.

This break has been full of nothing-ness. Probably needed nothing-ness, as I don't know when my next real break will be. I graduate in May and will need to start working ASAP regardless of where I live (hopefully Berkeley). I hope that this break was sufficient. I plan to either work more next semester, or at least do everything I do well. Mat Pilates at 8:15 MWF and Pilates on the Ball 8:00 TuTh. Good luck to me on making those classes.

Everything is good. Sometimes it seems too good. I don't mean that in the too-good-to-be-true sort of way, but in the we-are-very-comfortable-it-might-be-a-problem sort of way. I will remember that we all have other hobbies, and it is for the best that we do other things in addition to spending quality time together. I'll have my hands full worrying about graduation and stage managing a show. He will have his hands full working for the Mayor and serving on a commission. I will remember that break is very unrepresentative of real life. I am going to be more communicative, but at the same time, not feel the need to be upset over everything. I will be more open to other ideas and other people's way of doing things. I will trust that everything will work out for the best. I will not be overly optimistic, but I will not be a pessimist "just for the sake of it" either. We will cross that bridge when we come to it, but there is no need to be worked up about it too far in advance. Everything will be fine. I need to trust.

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