Monday, February 04, 2008

little itty bit-eee

In short: I arrived in Taiwan on 1/22 and I leave on 2/11. In Taiwan, I met countless relatives and ate loads of good food. Yesterday (I think), I acquired a brand new toy! It has a 7 in screen, 512mb of RAM, 4gb of flash memory and runs on NOT MICROSOFT (Linux).

In long: There are so many things to think about, so many bits of meaningful conversations I have had with folks, so many new angles and ideas to discuss that I utterly fail at doing it all. I think the topics that come up the most include: family, children, marriage, and all things related.

Family: It's definitely different being in the homeland for Chinese New Year: much more of an event than at home, although we do try pretty hard every year to achieve some of the festivities. My dad, his brother, and his sister (all three children) made the trip back to Taiwan this year. My aunt has not been back for 23 years (for the New Year, not to Taiwan). My grandmother complains about the noise of all of us invading their house, but not-so-secretly, she's super happy that we're all here. Even my grandfather, who spends most of his time on the couch watching TV or in his room calculating stocks comes out to socialize a bit and join in on the fun. In addition to the three children, my mom and my dad's brother's wife both are here as well. I'm here representing the grandchildren (by way of graduating early and being employed, and then unemployed, and thus able to take a three week vacation).

Everybody also has a different opinion about marriage. Maybe those will get shared later...

Writing some is better than none, so at least I got started!

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