Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Countdown Continues...

We have sold the Saratoga house, so as of June 1, 2007, we will no longer own it. Theoretically, by that time, our Cupertino house will be fully remodeled so we can move in over Memorial Day weekend. My dad made the executive decision that I am not going to Taiwan anymore. I would have made that same decision, but I would have appreciated making that decision myself.

Cabaret preview is tonight... it's going to be fantastic.
I am taking the CBEST Saturday, but the practice test was easy, so hopefully, it won't be a problem.
I find out my CSET score on Monday.
SCORE! is calling sometime after that to ask if I am taking the job or not.

I am late. To what? I'm not precisely sure. But I will continue later...

Time does not slip away. It blatantly sticks out its tongue at you while you scramble to fulfill all of your commitments. There is nothing subtle about it. It laughs, it jests, but as it keeps marching by, you realize the futility of arguing with it, and you can only be swept away and hurry to your next destination.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are going to be in tino! =) and what are you taking all these tests right now for?