Friday, July 15, 2005

there are priorities

... and then there are priorities.

So the death toll is at 54 (in regards to the London bombings), and what is the US worried about? The ONE American confirmed killed in London. So where do the other 53 people come from? I highly doubt they are all English, but why doesn't CNN or other major newspapers care which country they call home? I'm glad we care about our own, but to make it a newspaper headline? The first one under US News? It seems a little bit ridiculous. All people are supposed to be created equal, but an American gets his own article? And what happened to headlines being real news? This article was four paragraphs long. I didn't even have to scroll! I can understand succinct journalism, but four paragraphs doesn't seem to justfy being a head-liner. Is his death more tragic because of where he lived? I am sorry, though, for what has happened. Sorry for the men and women who died innocently in the bombings, sorry for their family who will have to live without a loved one, sorry for the attackers, who obviously believed violence could help matters, sorry for their families, who have also lost a loved one.

Choose your words carefully: why WHATEVER can land you a bruised cheek.

Guess my mom was right. (I didn't get into physical fights over it, although I did get into many an argument.)

1 comment:

i said...

haha lately i have been hating on cnn bigtime.