Thursday, March 30, 2006

spring break...

was amazing! one more real day. :(

Day 5
slept in the wee hours, after it was light (probably a bad idea, but it was a good feeling... to be up because i wanted to be)
got up "at 9" to go hang out in bostonate leftover catfish (such a legit breakfast)
met some of irene's friends
drank a smoothie (thanks jonathan!)
hung out with jessica
toured mit
toured boston
ate dinner at quincey market
bought pastries at mike's pastries
hung out at random
watched simpsons, csi, law and order (and probably pissed off phil's housemate... sorry!)
hung out with chris yang
sent jessica kuo home (thanks thomas!)
saw her gorgeous dorm
went back to burton-conner
went to random (sorry irene)
back to burton-conner
passed out

I don't think I've thoroughly enjoyed myself quite this much in a while. The east coast has MUCH better weather than here, unfortunately. A whirlwind "college tour" after a year and a half of college came at the right time. Thanks everyone for making it what it was.

Here's to the rest of spring break! (all one more day of it)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

hanging out with friends...

can be a very good thing.

Thanks Irene, for putting up with my indecision and my annoying habits (and for talking to me on long bus rides, waking me up when I'm sleeping inappropriately, and letting me stay with you) (and for everything else as well).

Thanks Jess, for letting us crash at your place, for showing us around Yale, for playing your viola so gorgeously. Yale is amazing, both in what they offer and the physical beauty of the place.

Thanks Chris, for "showing us NY", for making fun of me, for letting me make fun of you.

Thanks Alex, for letting us crash your place, for letting us in when you had a paper to write, for giving us suggestions for what to do in NYC.

Thanks Caryn, for getting up super early to meet us in Chinatown, for (kinda) getting us to the dim sum place, for calling your family about five times to get us where we needed to be.

I hope I never win an award. My thank you list would be enormous. No worries, though, hopefully, but the end of everything, I will have thanked everyone I need to thank. This was just from the first four days of spring break.
Day 1: SFO-BOS
got up super early to go to the airport
slept and woke up in boston
irene and phil came to get me from the airport. thanks!
dropped stuff off at random
ate dinner at picante

Day 2: Boston - New Haven
got up kinda early
took the bus to new haven (greyhound needs to sync their online stuff and their ACTUAL schedules... we bought a non-existant ticket online and then they made us buy another one because their systems are messed up. remind me to call them to get a refund.)
met up with jess in new haven
walked around with her parents and her
took naps (intermittently throughout my entire trip)
planned our nyc trip
saw jess's concert! she was amazing
ate ice cream at Ashley's (chocolate oreo and heath bar)
conked out

Day 3: New Haven - New York City
ate breakfast at a cafe/bookstore. gotta love those
walked around yale (beautiful school. and a carillon at the corner of branford!)
took train to nyc
ate ghetto lunch in front of the ny public library
strolled along 5th ave to moma (decided we weren't dressed for Saks so we moved on)
admired lots of art
met up with chris at central park
walked lesiurely around the park (more like killing time and being indecisive)
ate dinner at kenka for some cheap japanese food (grilled salted salmon)
went to a ukranian bar (with some interesting conversation with chris's friend rachel)
found the subway station
took the subway to columbia
made alex come find us
quick-toured columbia
crashed at alex's (two-story suites. not a bad deal, i like the set-up a lot. kitchen/eating space/living room up top, rooms and bathroom on the bottom

Day 4: New York City - Boston
walked around columbia
ate breakfast at hudson? river
subway-ed to chinatown (and didn't get lost)
bought cheap clip-watch
took the "scenic route" to dim sum go go
ate yummy food
bought egg custard tarts
found chinatown bus
napped on bus (that didn't burn up)
ate dinner at border's cafe in harvard square (yum mango salsa with lots of catfish)
quick-toured harvard in the dark
bought an origami and killer sudoku book at the harvard bookstore (can you say addiction?)
visited wilg (women's independent living group - irene's new home next year)
ate ice cream at toscanini's (coffe ice cream sandwich and grasshopper)
back to burton-conner (irene's dorm) to organize email and catch up

One more day, then back to Saratoga. I want to see EVERYBODY and enjoy my last three days, so let's plan something! (or at least block out some time for it).

PS. I am sleeping SO much better now.